Autonomous Everything [TECH]

Earlier today at work, I wrote about Baidu Inc.’s robo-taxis, top-notch autonomous cars powered by artificial intelligence that will serve the massive ride-hailing market.

These cars will be driver-less and are set to begin undergoing tests in Changsha this year. While I’ve always been fascinated by China’s unique ideas and innovations, I’m not sure I would ride a cab without a driver. (I’ve always been a nervous wreck… sigh.)

On the other hand, I’m eager to know how manless cars will transform the transport industry. It’s something I only thought about as a third grader. The tech era is unfolding and who knows what else the future will introduce? Manless planes? Unmanned cruise ships and autonomous military carriers? The options are endless and so are the potential risks. Again, not that I’m against these innovations. In fact, I’m looking forward to seeing them in my underdeveloped country! I just don’t think I’m ready to ride one. I would LOVE to WATCH unmanned vehicles running around but riding them is another story.

So, here’s to hoping Baidu will prioritize safety and unmatched service in the techno era!!!


(Photo: Grendelkhan/Wikimedia Commons)

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