3 Reasons Why You Self-Heal [INSPIRATION]

Healing is a deep subject that affects everyone. What makes it even bigger of an issue for some is because they choose to “self-heal” for reasons only they know. In my case, I’ve learned that there are three main reasons why I choose to heal myself instead of tell someone about my problems or rant about it on social media.

NOTE: This is for people, who, like me, prefer to absorb everything that goes with the healing process. This is is no way judging or looking down on people who share the burden with people they trust. In fact, I encourage everyone to ask for help. If you’re at the verge of breaking down, please ask for help. It’s not wrong and it’s not bad. Asking for help doesn’t make you less of the person you are. Whether you choose to keep it inside or you allow someone to help you heal, you’re amazing. 🙂

1. Because everyone believes YOU’RE STRONG

It’s hard to have a personality that comes out strong in the face of the world. Because they know you have what it takes to get up each time you fall, they seldom ask how you’re doing or they don’t notice that you’re going through a tough time. I’d like you to know the universe is proud of you. You may not get the same amount of support that others receive when they feel down or are hurting but your inner strength is more than enough to staunch your bleeding wounds.

2. Because you know YOU’RE STRONG

When people tell you how proud they are of the strength you show in the face of trial, it gives you more reason to keep the pain of healing all to yourself. You want to protect this image and you don’t want to worry the people who believe you’ll make it through. Over time, you’ve developed a belief that no matter what happens, you’re strong and you will overcome. I want you to know you’re amazing. People keep believing you’re strong and you will keep reminding yourself of how strong you are even if you feel like you’re about to give up but this is what makes you beautiful.


There’s an old saying that goes, “God won’t give you problems He knows you can’t overcome.” I believe in this with conviction. I believe that strong people are given greater trials and higher mountains to climb because God believes in them so much.

Avril Lavigne recently re-emerged into the spotlight with a powerful ballad, “Head Above Water.” The award-winning singer and Grammy nominee disappeared from the limelight for about five years. She has opened up about her battle with Lyme disease and her new song is proof that God rewards strong people in a greater way than He does those who do not know the feeling of rising up after each fall.


The world watches how strong people move and live. If you’re trying to heal your wounds behind the curtains, away from the world’s view, you’re strong, and you deserve to give yourself a clap!


A.N. Basil

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